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A few weeks ago, if you had asked anyone with knowledge of the Donald Sterling fiasco (and thats exactly what it is and has become…a fiasco) about how long it would have taken for the team to be sold, most people thought it would took well over a year. In fact, on Keeping It Real Sports, only one of us thought that by the beginning of the 2015 playoffs, the Clippers would be sold. (Don’t mean to toot my own horn, but it was me.) None of us – NONE OF US – thought the team would be sold before June 2014, but here we are on May 30th and the Clippers have been sold to Steve Ballmer, the former Microsoft CEO who also tried to buy the Kings and the Bucks. Not only has the team been sold, but its been sold for almost four times (FOUR TIMES!!) the amount that the last NBA team was sold for.