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-Increase water consumption: drinking water helps us stay full longer, hydrates us and speeds up our metabolism.

-Reduce sugar: cut down on sweets, sodas and any sugary drinks that are just adding empty calories to your body. Instead, substitute for fruits; they provide vitamins, fiber and minerals but eat them in moderation because they’re high in sugar nonetheless.

-Switch fats: yes switch not cut. Although fat contains a lot of calories, there are healthy fats that will help burn your stubborn fat. Eat more nuts and seeds such as flax seeds, chia, peanuts. Also avocado and salmon.

-Eat more greens: having a serving of vegetables with 3 or more meals will provide you fiber, antioxidants and vitamins. Eating veggies will also help you stay full longer. Eating veggies helps me feel lighter and improves my mood.

-Be Active: seriously! Even if it’s just 30 minutes a day dedicate some time to exercising. There are 168 hours in a week and only 7 hours a week are enough to keep your body fit and healthy. Go out for a jog, take yoga or boot camp classes, anything that will make you sweat, burn calories and release some stress.

-Choose complex carbs: eliminate white/ simple carbs and replace it with whole wheat and whole grains, they contain fiber, digest slowly and most provide a decent amount of protein per serving.

Be consistent: it didn’t take you one day of bad eating to gain fat, it won’t take you a day to lose it. Consistency is key for any fitness goal.

As always consult your doctor before you make any changes to your diet or start a new exercise routine.

Many people quit their fitness journey because they are too tired after their workouts and claim that they’re too weak to continue. One of the biggest reasons why you might feel this way is because you are either not eating enough or you are not providing your body with the nutrients necessary to perform your workout.

Ideally, you want to eat at least one hour before your workout, but it all depends on what you eat, because some foods digest quicker than others. Your workout performance is also affected by how much you eat, and your overall fitness goals.


Here are some examples:


  • A banana and peanut butter: Fruits are high in fructose (sugar) so it can be used as a quick burst of energy. Peanut butter is filled with good fats from peanuts and your body can use that fat for immediate energy.
  • Protein Smoothie: You can prepare a quick smoothie with a banana and whey protein powder if you have. Otherwise you can make your own protein smoothie by adding Greek yogurt, a spoon of peanut butter or anything you want as long as you have some protein and either carbohydrates or good fats for energy.
  • Whole-wheat toast with eggs: Whole wheat digests slowly so it will keep you full during your workout. Eggs are an excellent source of protein; eat them without the yolk if you want to save on the calories.
  • Small potato with avocado: Potatoes are carbohydrates that digest fast, so if you don’t have more than an hour to eat before your workout you can boil a potato and have it with some slices of avocado which provide healthy fats.


Remember that if you do not eat according to your goals, it will be harder for you to achieve them. A good nutritious diet is essential for any goal. No matter how hard you’re killing yourself at the gym, if you aren’t eating right, you won’t see great results.


Always contact your doctor before any changes in your diet.