Home Articles/Editorials Health: Midnight Snack Options

Health: Midnight Snack Options

You started to eat healthier and in moderation but it’s bed time and your stomach is growling. You’re tossing in bed because you’re hungry and can’t go to sleep; one of the worse feelings when you want to get some rest. Many diets suggest not eating after certain time, especially to avoid carbohydrates. However, the myth that night eating increases the potential of gaining weight it is just that, a myth. If you eat the right foods in moderation, your body will use the energy from those foods and use this fuel for different functions. During our sleep, our metabolism keeps working but in a much slower rate, therefore it won’t burn calories as fast as it does during the day. You want to avoid heavy foods that will make you feel bloated and uneasy. Here are some examples of foods you can eat and not feel guilty about it:


Egg whites: A whole egg (yolk included) provides 6 grams of fat and 5 grams of protein. For a healthier late night snack boil an egg and just eat the white part to obtain the protein benefits.

Plain Greek yogurt: if you take a look at the nutrition facts in the back of a Greek yogurt you’ll notice that 1-cup will give roughly 23 grams of protein for just 9 grams of carbohydrates.

Handful of nuts: key word in the word handful. Nuts are fats, therefore extremely high in calories. Although this fat is a good type of fat, remember that there should be moderation.

Cottage Cheese: This option not only provides great taste but it is also packed with protein. It has a neutral taste, so you can add a spoon of peanut butter or salt & pepper for a salty flavor.

Chicken Breast: Before bed always aim for foods dense in protein and low in unhealthy fats. 4oz of chicken breast will give you up to 20 or more grams of protein; grill or steam it to make it healthier.


I'm Natalie Friedman, senior in Brooklyn College majoring in Broadcast Journalism. Fitness is my passion and I aspire to inspire others to a healthy lifestyle. I am currently interning with KIRS, where I write articles about exercises, nutrition and anything fitness related. NAASM aspiring personal trainer.

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